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Hi, my name is Sebastian. For a few years now, photography and everything related to it has been an growing part of my life. Since I had my first “real” camera almost 10 years ago, I have never lost interest in taking pictures. The snapshot became the work. With post-processing the desire for new perspectives and experiments. This always includes learning new techniques, but above all the constant search for an exciting learning-experience. Be it in the form of stories, people, films or other arts. 



Interesting pictures illuminate the world. The human world. They capture moments and create new contexts. They visualise moods and trigger them. Some get stuck with the viewers mind, provoking ideas about the world.This makes them impressively subjective to me. As a photographer, I invite you to share my perspective and contemplate on the captured moment and moods. As an artistic work, simple image or aesthetic pleasure. I also invite you to come back to this website and other places like Instagram to see where my journey is leading me.

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